Dearest Creatifriends,
For R16, we asked ourselves two questions: 1) How can we make R15’s movement changes a smoother ride? 2) How can we surprise and delight our players? For 1, we listened to all your helpful feedback and taught those goofy avatars how to be smooth operators. For 2, one guy suggested we make the game so EFFING dangerous that our players lose their minds.
Fortunately, we fired the guy who said that*, and dialed it back a bit. But we think you’ll find the world of Creativerse is just a little bit more mysterious and treacherous. See for yourself; take a stroll down the lava or corruption layer, or go on hike up in the snowy mountains. You’ll also notice funky temperature-related effects transforming ice, lava and other materials depending on where they are. This changes things. In fact, you could potentially log into your world to find an apocalyptic wasteland ruled by leather clad pigsys demanding participation in their Thunderdome (two Mirus enter, one Miru leaves).** But the world is also more beautiful now too. Watch what happens to patches of dirt over time.
Let’s talk about toys. Because R16’s got ‘em. It starts out with an extensive set of canyon themed blocks, perfect for civilizing the canyons with a vacation home, complete with a Dustevil and Trog observation deck. Then we decided to add something a select few of you have been waiting for since we teased them several months ago: FANS!!! The new movement system means these jet fueled blowers are ready for prime time (pro tip: don’t use them for drying hands). But wait, there’s more: ice slopes, which offer you a whole new way to get around. Teleporters are so 2014. These days the cool kids are slipping and sliding to home base at neck breaking speeds.
It’s time to have a blast defying heat stroke and building that mansion estate the Grand Canyon was always asking for while creating fan spiked toboggan slides down to a poisonous death in the corruption layer.
Play on!
*Muted him on Creativerse for 10 minutes.
**It’s not like we didn’t warn ya!
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